Click here to add to the guestbook.

- Friday, August 21, 2009 at 00:37:25 (CDT)
Bomber was here! Not "A" Bomber..... just Bomber! :)
Bomber <>
- Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 22:16:50 (CST)
Great to meet you two at the park today. Looking forward to hearing you live someday. Dave
Stripeydave <>
- Sunday, November 02, 2008 at 22:06:21 (CST)
- Monday, September 29, 2008 at 22:52:09 (CDT)
OMG I'm re-setting my Favorites on a new PC and thought I'd take a look since I'd not visited your site in a while and got the news about Trevi. Bummer! ATB to her, but I know the rest of you will pick up where you left off. Hope to see you sometime this year. Happy New Year all! Karen-SD
Karen <>
- Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 04:29:35 (CST)
I really wish I could hold a tune.
- Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 15:23:45 (CST)
So sad! No new gigs. You should do a backyard show in your 'band shell'!
- Wednesday, November 21, 2007 at 04:01:40 (CST)
I saw you at SDSU and thought you all rocked. I was at a casting call and had to shoot to the next call. But I cant wait to hear a full set of what you do. Cheers Michael A Evans
Michael A Evans <>
- Thursday, November 15, 2007 at 15:19:21 (CST)
I love you, Pam!
- Sunday, November 04, 2007 at 04:37:16 (CST)
i love exit -salida
- Saturday, October 27, 2007 at 19:17:18 (CDT)
i love myself
- Saturday, October 27, 2007 at 14:04:41 (CDT)
You girls rocked! I've run sound for many bands over the years and you girls are the tops. Even though you got so little time to soundcheck, like seasoned pros you had it together and put on a great show at Orange Coast College. Loved your attitude and energy - keep it comin'! William Lee
William Lee <>
- Friday, April 06, 2007 at 14:43:53 (PDT)
i love courtneys' pictures in her bio ... i want some prints
mojo < >
- Monday, March 05, 2007 at 22:02:50 (PST)
I can't get January Sky out of my head. But then, I don't want to.
- Saturday, October 14, 2006 at 23:16:23 (PDT)
i want to know lyrics; Wish You Could Know. send me plz.
BaBo <>
- Monday, October 09, 2006 at 10:57:51 (PDT)
saw you last night in the lake arrowhead village, very impressed!! and happy we finally had some very talented and creative people playing here.. thank you.. and good luck, and all my best.. hope you come back soon, seems i never leave the mountains anymore, to nice up here.. *also holland would love to have you play there, well, at least southern netherlands.. and good european exposer....
larry lewis <>
- Saturday, August 05, 2006 at 10:45:08 (PDT)
Hi guys - I'm mostly a latin percussionist but i do a lot of other work with different bands. I was performing at Molly Malones this weekend and stuck around to see your act. I was so impressed (not to mention my wife) by your music, talent, energy, and showmanship that i'm still thinking about you guys. You guys kick ass!! If i have the chance i'll come see you guys in a heartbeat! Good luck and keep on rockin!!
Juan Carlos Ortega <>
- Monday, June 05, 2006 at 12:33:32 (PDT)
just want to know when are you playing at rusty's on the santa monica pier
carlos Avelar <>
- Thursday, March 16, 2006 at 16:59:58 (PST)
Hey Girls, I saw the story about you on the U2 website and got intrigued. I was impressed withthe U2 cover that's on your download page but then I listened to some of your music and now I'm really impressed. Hope you have a gig somewhere near the North Texas area sometime. Keep up the good work.
Mark Smithhisler <>
- Monday, March 13, 2006 at 00:02:51 (PST)
hey gurls i saw you play on the boat i loved it, and thats not my kind of music.. but i loved it. Im the singer in a metal band and i would love to do song with Trevi, you have a beautiful voice. anyway if you want to check us out go to and do a search for Age of illusion. thanks a lot you gurls keep doing what you do. take care heath
Heath King <>
- Tuesday, February 14, 2006 at 15:50:14 (PST)
Saw you guys last night here in Vicksburg, MS.... great show! Nice to have something refreshing and different come to town. Especially at the casinos. Nice work, good luck !
Jason <>
- Friday, February 10, 2006 at 21:43:22 (PST)
Ladies, it was a pleasure to meet you at the NAMM show last weekend. I wish you all the best. If you ever play any shows in the Phoenix area, I'll definitely be there.
/Jason/ <stilwel at yahoo dot com>
- Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 08:09:32 (PST)
hi girls, love your page, love your musik, love your job. I saw you in LA when you play at U2's concert. I got impresed and wanted more so i found your page and it was a big surprise because it's beautiful. Please post more songs i live in Mexico City and can't go listen you live
Julio <>
- Monday, January 23, 2006 at 08:06:04 (PST)
Hey Courtney, It's your cousin you don't know much about. I'm Alyssa and I live in Texas with all the rest of our family. Sorry I didn't get to see you last time I was in CA. But, your mom gave us one of your CDs. I really like it and can't wait 'till you hit it big time. I think mom's planning on taking us up there sometime next summer if or when we can catch you. Say hi to all the family for me, Amanda, Nicholas, Jacob, Benjamin, and Brianna. (All of the rest of your cousins) Oh, and mom says hi. Love, Alyssa
Alyssa Casares <>
- Friday, December 23, 2005 at 14:58:01 (PST)
Congratulations Trevi and Exit!! We'll all be following you. Best of luck to you all!! When's the first cd?
Diane Cutler <>
- Saturday, December 17, 2005 at 06:06:25 (PST)
I saw EXIT on TV!
no-longer-sad panda
- Saturday, December 10, 2005 at 13:00:27 (PST)
Hey! You guys are in an Achtoon! Check it out It's called "U2&Exit - A Love Story" They said you guys played Novemeber 2 though...when I know I saw you guys do OoC on Nov 1st lol
Christine (aka Girl From Long Bathroom Line) <>
- Tuesday, December 06, 2005 at 17:38:39 (PST)
I am a friend of Courtney's Grandma Barbara and also of her Aunt Cathie. I am SO excited for you all. God Bless and go MAKE IT BIG! Rita
Rita Rodney <>
- Saturday, December 03, 2005 at 21:17:49 (PST)
Uh yeah I just saw my sister on the fuckin' news. Someone pinch me please.
Tristan <>
- Friday, December 02, 2005 at 23:28:11 (PST)
Very cool website. Nice that things are happening for you ladies. I am Courney's Mom's school chum from way back- you need to know that Karin is "working" by sending your story out there! I promise to look for ya when you hit Las Vegas!
Larry Otis-Las Vegas <>
- Friday, December 02, 2005 at 06:58:19 (PST)
Hi Trevi and the rest of the band! Trevi, Dr. Hurley told me awhile ago about your band's big break. I am so impressed and amazed with you girls! Congratulations! Trevi, you are such an amazing woman. I am so very happy for you. Good luck. I'll be watching for more news. And if you ever want to come home to get your teeth cleaned, I'll do it for you :) tee hee (so I can say I cleaned a famous person's teeth!) Angela
Angela Trent <>
- Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 19:50:55 (PST)
AWESOME show last night! Looking forward to the next one! :D, Eilis
- Saturday, November 19, 2005 at 13:35:12 (PST)
Keep it up!! Heard about you girls...and checked out your're pretty good!! Nice tight guitar licks...most of your tracks just need remixing that's all...the music's interesting...but you've got to work on the lyrics...and diction...well this is the start of a new chapter of your I wish you all the best!! Just be nice'll be replacing them soon....haha...
Cheng Yee <>
- Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 04:16:29 (PST)
Trevi--Congratulations! Best of luck. We're behind you all the way. Can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving. Gary and Kim
Kim Brocker <>
- Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 13:07:37 (PST)
Girls, here's another story that appeared in Encore Magazine. Thought you would like to see it. See you all Friday night. We're so excited to hear you again. ?id=14955&pass_headline=U2+Gives+Band+A+Taste+Of+Stardom Connie
Connie Fligg <>
- Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 10:12:51 (PST)
Opps! Here's the link: - Vertigo Tour/2005-11-01 - Los Angeles (Pictures by J Brice)%2F&startpic=20
Don't know if you've seen these...there are some decent photos of you guys on stage with you know who.
Hey there - Trevi, my dad was at Penrod's (the barber down in Valley Junction) and I guess that's where your dad gets his hair cut or something like that? Anyway he totally gets an earful about you guys going up and playing at the U2 concert. That is AWESOME!!! Good for you! I must say I hate you because not only have you met Bono, but you still have great hair you beotch!!! Best of luck=) Adriel
Adriel Lage <>
Hey there. You guys were great playing Out Of Control on November 1st. I doubt you remember me, but I was talking to Pamela the drummer in the exceedingly long line for the bathroom with my dad. :P This is a great site you guys have here too. Keep up the awesome music! :) ~Christine
Christine <>
Holy Shit, Trevi!!! Way to go!...what a dream come true, girl! (I also heard about the U2 concert from KD girls)I didn't even know you moved out to L.A....last I talked to you was at Barley House in KC when you were with a differnt band. Well, congrats to you and the all look amazing, keep rockin'and I hope to some day hear you all in concert! Ever think you'll venture to Dallas? Love ya, Jackie
Jackie Reifschneider <>
Just wanted to say congrats on playing with U2 on 1 November. Wish I could have been there to see it, but I was there the next night. Good luck to you all with your music careers.
Steven Potter
Heard you on a radio interview on XM...Very Impressed !! I will look for you all on the National Scene real soon... FG
Furio Giagotti <>
Congratulations to all of you. We heard the GREAT news about a week ago and couldn't be prouder of you Trevi. I just know that someday I will be saying "I knew her when..." We will keep our eyes and ears open to see what comes next.
Connie Beasley <>
KROQ Interview: I was very impressed with the way Courtney handled the interview. Her confidence was that of someone who has the potential to handle whatever comes her way in the music industry. Many people make it. But when a talented group of young women make it big, AND present with no-frills and no-attitude, I am hopeful for the future of all our young women. Keep up the good work!!
Annabel Seger
The URL didn't make it... Here's the link for pictures of the EXIT show on Oct 29th, 2005:
Roy P. Ammeraal <>
Pictures are available from their last concert on October 29th, 2005 at
Roy P. Ammeraal <>
I hope you saw me in the movie MAYOR OF SUNSET STRIP. But I just now saw Geoff Boucher's "L.A. Times" article on YOU...that was a masterpiece!
Ronald Vaughan <>
Heard your interview on cbc radio this morning sounds great good luck ladies, i'll be looking for your cd in the Wausau,WI. area
jerome <>
Trevi Fligg, you go girl! Got a forward from the KD girls about your big night with U2! I am so excited for you and your band! And I'm so proud of you for pursuing your dream, I always knew you could do it. Take care and keep doing what you do, love, Amy aka Durks
Amy Durkalski <>
It was an honor to hang around y'all after the concert with my mom and listen to the debriefing and sharing and pinching yourselves that went on - that really added a depth to seeing your performance that I feel lucky to have experienced. Great quotes still stick in my mind like Affa saying "Yeah, and do you know what angle I saw that from? THE STAGE!" and looking at the photos on your manager's camera and Captain Courtney saying "That's a photo of the singer of my band with the singer of U2," holding her head with eyes wide in amazement, as if it was still all a dream. Well I'm sure it's becoming more and more real for you and I'm glad. I wish that I could come to your gig this Friday but I am going to a great friend's wedding - I know it will be a great show! Can you record it? I'll come to the next one!
Candice Carr Kelman <>
Marry me , Susan !
Bob Fanichi <>
I am truly sorry that I missed what is so far the biggest night of your lives. Nevertheless, it does not diminish my feelings of excitement, pride and love for you all. Upon hearing of the accounts of your performance and of the tremendous reception you received, I couldn't be prouder or happier for all of you. Upward and onward! Rock on!
father exit
evelyn bluestein
I book bands during the winter at Mountain High Resort in Wrightwood, California. (I am the Snowboard Director at the Resort.) Could you have your agent contact me so I can get some details about your fee, etc.., The story about your playing with U2 is story-book! Damm, there will probably be a movie about it! Thanks Chuck
Chuck Allen <>
My sister and I saw you in Cleveland at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and at the Hard Rock Cafe. We ordered your demo tape, too! Congratulations on joining U2 on stage and on your new found success! We hope great things are to come.
Mary Beth
YOU GUYS ARE SOOO AWESOME! keep on kicking ass!
hi, heard you through CBC-radio partly international broadcast in Finland. Greetings :)
my wife and i were at staples for the U2 show tuesday night you guys(girls)rocked. very impressed the way you girls handled everything. great job from your newest fans. greg&mendy
greg <>
You ladies kicked ass at he U2 concert Tuesday!!!! You're a credit to your gender! Love your original stuff on the web site, where can I hear more? I started listening to U2 many, many years ago before they were well known and I could tell they were destined for greatness; I'm getting the same vibe from you...good luck!
Victoria <>
girls, you are too much. I'm again proud of you all. Getting up there at Staples and giving it your all.. It was awesome. You just go , girls.. Love to you all.
gramma rock n roll <>
Hey there Courtney: Remember me from Coffee Junction? I was so pleased to see your smiling face in my newspaper this morning! That must have been such a wonderful, amazing transcendent experience! I am sooooooo happppyyy for you. Congratulations to all of you! You certainly made my day. The article was sooo positive about your band. It also, by inference, says a lot about U2 as well. What other HUGE band would do something like that? Well, congrats again. I have a different e-mail, so I'll put myself back on your band list. See ya, jeff winter
Jeff Winter <>
We are so very proud of ALL of you. You deserve everthing that is coming your way. It's true, hard work pays off.....and there is also a "little" luck involved. You are all so talented and focused. We will help you every step of the way when we can. Courtney, Susan and Pam..thank you for believing in Trevi. You make a great band. Your must be overwhelmed with it all. How exciting for you. We are a great support system and will be there for you every step of the way. Love, Bob and Connie
Bob and Connie Fligg <>
Heard you on CBC radio - great stuff. (so is CBC Radio!!!) Spike / Montreal
Spike <>
Did that really happen? were f$*ing amazing. I am looking forward to the day I go to Tower to buy your first album. UNBELIEVABLE LADIES!
Bill Bowley <>
I am a musician myself, though no longer gigging.I've been to literaly hundreds of concerts,seen a player get up and sit in which is always fun but it's usually a Pro. I've never experienced anything like what I saw and heard on tuesday night. You ladies kicked ass! My wife, 18 yr old son (guitar/piano) and our friend were absolutely blown away! What a gas for you guys! Congrats, keep it up!
David Pincus <>
We watched as you got up on the stage thinking...this is going to suck....then when you actually played we thought...this is a think you girls ROCK!!! VERY EXTREMELY IMPRESSED. You now have new FANS!!!
Ken & Natasha <>
You girls really rocked the house at Staples. Congrats and here's hoping that performance opens doors for you!
Matt <>
Congratulations,Trevi! You are a Rock Star! Congrats to EXIT bandmates, too! Wishing you all the best on your ride to the top!!!
Suzi <>
Hey hey hey, babies hang on! Congrats for the L.A. show!
You girls kicked some major ass at Staples on Nov. 1! Keep up the good work and hope you gals get a record deal soon!
triple.a <>
sooooooo proud of my girls and thankful i was at staples for a night i will certainly never forget. now that trevi's hazing is over and she has survived - you are on your way. to the toppermost! (and many thanks to the larry mullen band for providing the instruments, stage, techs, sound crew and audience...)
mother exit <>
it pays to advertise...... nice work at the staples center. You guys rocked the place
Todd Gorang <>
You guys were great last night. Pam the Drummer, you were especially rockin'! Nice job, ladies!
David Peng <>
I stood behind four ladies during the U2 concert last night, and I never knew I would see such an amazing performance be done by any band other than u2 that night. Your stage presence was amazing and I am happy to say I not only have your autographs, but if the pictures come out, a photo with you four. I am certainly your newest fan, and hope to see you play again. Peace, Liam
Liam Bogan <>
Staples 11.01 Like many others, had no idea who you were and after the show I couldn't wait to find out. I'm a musican from So Cal and long time U2 fan and Edge disciple. You ladies were incredible last night. You played well and had great composure on a HUUUUGE stage! It was another amazing show, but you were the most memorable part. -Nathan
nathan baldwin <>
You Guys rocked Staples last night! from the first cord of out of control we were blown away! Great for all of you !!! T-Rx-E
tina and eric <>
You were all incredible at Staples last night!!!
Chris <>
I attended the show at the Staples Center Nov. 1st and your performance was utterly beautiful. You were eagerly received by an audience of thousands and there was a sense that bringing you to the stage was like all of us being there too. I had a very limited view as I was seated almost behind the stage, but the magic was undeniable. You are my new set of heroes and I hope you know you represented a great shred of what is in every U2 fan. Thank you.
Marianna <>
You guys rocked at the U2 concert!! Pam was amazing.
saw you at the U2 concert tonight. It was surreal. It was awesome to see you up on stage with U2. What an experience!
kelly <>
i love exit.
nikki p.p. <>
- Wednesday, July 27, 2005 at 14:54:23 (PDT)
Hello Hello, just back from a place called Vertigo, I promised to sign your guestbook and here I am, hope to see you play live soon, In The Name of Love, Max
Max <>
- Wednesday, June 29, 2005 at 09:25:58 (PDT)
MY webdesigner mistakenly posted your EXIT hyperlink onto my website. I worked with another band called EXIT in San Diego. Sorry if this creates any confusion. I will remove it soon. Robert Pfeifer / D.R.D. Sound
Robert Pfeifer <>
- Sunday, June 12, 2005 at 06:25:43 (PDT)
Che piacere sapere che ci sono 4 belle ragazze musiciste che hanno lo stesso nome del mio GRUppo... date un'occhiata al nostro sito ciaoooooooooooo
Placido <>
- Friday, June 03, 2005 at 17:59:09 (PDT)
my babies!!!! i miss you sooo much! kisses and more kisses
jeni <>
- Wednesday, June 01, 2005 at 22:52:56 (PDT)
HI PAMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM BORED BYE
Breann <>
- Monday, May 30, 2005 at 13:37:34 (PDT)
HI PAMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SORED BYE
Breann <>
- Monday, May 30, 2005 at 13:37:24 (PDT)
Hi Pammy, Courtney, Susan and Trevi...i love your web the way i am PAMS cousin BREANN! and i wanna be a singer!!!!! I AM THE NEXT aMERICAN idol!!!! heheheheh peace out!!!
breann <>
- Monday, May 09, 2005 at 15:12:11 (PDT)
PStarR are huge EXIT fans. Got the sticker on my bass drum. Ever since I seen 'em at the Ventura Theatre way back several years ago. ProtostarR's dream is to play with EXIT. That would be awesome. We moved here from Iowa. xxxooo mclogo65
mclogo65 <>
- Monday, May 09, 2005 at 15:11:46 (PDT)
oops..........puppy butT head i miss you. call me. 818-625-5625!!!
nancy <>
- Monday, May 09, 2005 at 15:11:19 (PDT)
I came across your CD be complete chance. It was in a cd player stereo in the kitchen of my college. While we were cooking, we flipped on the stereo and it came on. My friends and I loved it instantly so we listened to practically the whole CD whle we cooked up dinner. Thank You.
Adam Hetz <>
- Monday, May 09, 2005 at 15:10:55 (PDT)
we are so proud of you Trevi and we can't wait to buy the first C.D. when it's finished. we'll keep watching your progress via your website. Love, Mark and Lori
Mark and Lori Burke <>
- Monday, May 09, 2005 at 15:10:24 (PDT)
Pam Rocks! I saw her play at new years and she rocks! good job pam!
- Monday, May 09, 2005 at 15:09:56 (PDT)
I love EXIT! Affa is the bomb! <>
- Monday, May 09, 2005 at 15:09:35 (PDT)
Great opening nite with Trevi Congrats wish we could have been there.
Connie Fligg <>
- Monday, May 09, 2005 at 15:09:03 (PDT)
Pam informed me of the websight and I informed a couple of friends. Great sight, great photos, and lots of information. I will try to see a show or two. I want to see Pam drum on an ACOUSTIC drum instead of the V-Drums! From what I have read on the websight, in my opinion, Exit has a real future if your originals are solid. Maybe I will see you at a show!! Ambrose Smith
Ambrose Smith <>
- Monday, May 09, 2005 at 15:08:37 (PDT)

Click here to see the old guestbook.